Thank you Mark. I appreciate the response. Let me respond in two messages. The first is to confirm the rules for signing off for both types of used:
The second is to clarify my problems with the signup procedure and how I might deal with it. (Mostly a very small change on your part and an explanation on my website for my users)
So, for both subscribers vi postorius only and hyperkitty users: email to discuss-leave@list.tokyoprogressive.org (or discuss-unsubscribe@list.tokyoprogressive.org)
Only for hyperkitty users, you can login, go to https://list.tokyoprogressive.org/postorius/lists/discuss.list.tokyoprogress... and click the big red unsubscribe button.
Also only for hyperkitty users, log in and click the dropdown at the upper right, select Account and click the Delete Account tab or go directly to https://list.tokyoprogressive.org/user-profile/ and click the Delete Account tab or go directly to https://list.tokyoprogressive.org/user-profile/delete
(Guessing that #3 will not unsubscribe the person and--if they have already done 1 or 2, failing to do number 3 is not going to be a big problem. Am I right?)
Now in the next message my thoughts on the signup procedure and tentative conclusion.