Previously I had a problem when upgrading to the newest versions of the mailman modules - and it turns out that everything requires Python 3 or higher.
That was fine - I spent some time today moving everything from a Python 2.7 virtual environment to a Python 3.6 virtual environment.
What no longer works is Supervisor...
The mailman easy install script from Omar Mochtar set up a webui service that runs wsgi and nginx and keeps them running.
However...supervisor won't run on python 3.6. I'm not seeing a way to make that work. I've read that you can shim it in, but that it isn't recommended to be used in a production environment.
I've looked into circus, and I'm not familiar with it.
I'm wondering if anyone has any examples of setting up a service that keeps processes up and running? I've seen circus, but I'm wondering if anyone has an example of how to set it up, or another service that does the same thing?