Hello, I have a fresh mailman3 installation that I recently upgraded from mailman2 on a debian system. In any event, I imported some test lists and tested my installation thoroughly and everything seemed to be working fine. Then, today, I imported a important live working mailing list from mailman2 and everything appeared to go well both with the import of the list addresses and the archives. However, when I sent out the first post on Mailman3 the post was not echoed to the list members. Then, I subsequently discovered that the queue had lots of mail undelivered in /var/lib/mailman3/queue/bad. It appears that my mailman3 installation has stopped delivering list mail and that all of the list mail is stuck in /var/lib/mailman3/queue/bad. How do I resolve this situation? Can I just remove the files with "rm *" in the /var/lib/mailman3/queue/bad directory? Please let me know what I should do to get things working again. Thanks, Gordon