Hi Danil,
(I just used the wrong account to reply. Feel free to reject the previous one which should be in moderated list)
Danil Smirnov 於 2023/7/21 04:32 寫道:
On Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 10:28 AM Franklin Weng <franklin@slat.org> wrote:
No matter what, what I want to ask is that, is there a way to either
- just let users join from email (lists-join@lists.url) instead of registering on the mailman instance? or
I suppose you want this:
With my best regards, Danil Smirnov
Thank you. When I set it in my settings_local.py, I clicked register and got an error:
ModuleNotFoundError at/accounts/signup/ No module named 'django_mailman3.views.user_adapter'
(In the document the path is /etc/mailman3/settings.py but I installed it with Debian packages so I guess the path is somewhat different, and I thought setting in setting_local.py should work too. It seems work since it gave me the error above.)
Do I have to install something else? Or disable some other options?
Thanks, Franklin