Am 18.01.20 um 19:38 schrieb Mark Sapiro:
On 1/18/20 6:58 AM, Torge Riedel wrote:
Am 16.01.20 um 21:43 schrieb Mark Sapiro:
This won't work for posts from members because the header checks are done between member moderation checks and non-member moderation checks, but if you create a Header Filter for header 'x-spam' and pattern 'yes' with action hold, a message from a non-member which has an X-Spam: Yes header should be held for that reason.
Hi Mark,
thank you for your answer. Just to understand that right: In case a posting with an "X-Spam: Yes" header comes from a member, it will not be held? It will be directly forwarded to the list? No. I apologize for being unclear.
A post from a member will first be handled according to that member's moderation action which may be the list's default action for posts from members or a specific action for that member.
If that moderation action is reject, discard or hold, the post will be rejected, discarded or held as a moderated member post regardless of any header filters.
If the action is accept, the post will be accepted without any further checks including the header checks.
If the action is defer (default processing) the message will be held for matching the X-Spam: Yes header.
What I meant was if the member's (or default) action was hold, the post would be held, but the reason would be moderated member, not header match.
The bottom line here is the moderation action of accept should only be used in cases of a highly trusted member (such as a list owner) because it bypasses other checks, but the address is still subject to spoofing. In the normal case where a moderation hold is not desired, use the defer (default processing) action.
Hi Mark,
thanks for clarification. I will add a header filter.
One final question: When adding a new header filter I can select between different actions. And there is one named "Default Anti-Spam action" (roughly translated from German). I cannot find anything else about this somewhere else in the settings (Postorius). So what it is the "Default Anti-Spam action"?
Best regards Torge