On 3/3/20 12:33 PM, David Krantz wrote:
I think that this might be due to some kind of python misfeature where compiled code behaves slightly differently to interpreted code, that might explain the delay in it working initially before breaking. I have no idea of how to solve this. I have tried to uninstall and reinstlall psycopg2 in different versions without any luck.
You need to activate your virtualenv and do
pip install psycopg2-binary
it must be psycopg2-binary, not just psycopg2. It's probably best to do
pip uninstall psycopg2
As far as it working for a while, did you restart your wsgi service (gunicorn, uwsgi, ??) after upgrading?
-- Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan