It appears that a digest is formatted as:
- Thread 1 ... N. Thread N
foreach thread list:member:digest:header thread list:member:digest:footer
A number of my testers are complaining about the formatting:
- it's hard to visually identify each of the threads (the TOC numbers them, but the numbers aren't shown next to each thread, for example) and
- it's hard for a novice to know how to reply to a digest thread
I'm wondering how other admins have customized their digests to make them more useful. For example, if there was a way in list:member:digest:header to display a link to the archived thread, that would be a good start. list:member:digest:header could emit a horizontal line to separate each thread, but it would be nice to be able to show the number of the thread, etc. Yahoo! Groups used to send out HTML digests that had the thread titles nicely distinguished, live links to the thread, and links to Reply to sender, Reply to All, etc.
Thanks for any suggestions!