Hi Steve, I replied to your personal email address earlier today. - I guess it's no harm to add my reply to the thread here, so here goes:
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for your message. The documentation I was referring to is from Gunicorn, specifically this:
(I was led to it by Abhilash's reference in the thread).
As for the length of the list, I'm talking about in the region of 1,800 members.
When I say "pretty slow", I mean that it takes about 2.5 minutes to return the list of members via the REST API.
I'm not sure I understand your last paragraph - "paginated interface" and "at the receiving end" don't make much sense to me at present. I should add however that I am pretty novice when it comes to all of this (and Python programming too). It took me a while to understand the difference between accessing Mailman3 via the REST API versus mailman shell - for example!