On Wed, Aug 7, 2024 at 1:05 PM IEM Network Operation Center (IOhannes m zmölnig) <noc@iem.at> wrote:
On 8/7/24 10:52, IEM Network Operation Center (IOhannes m zmölnig) wrote:
With the dump and other utilities from your database manager. Almost everything is in the database. There are some things in Mailman's var/ directory, but those can simply be moved.
sorry for keeping you all busy, but: which "things in Mailman's var/" need to be copied over to the new host?
in my old instance (from Debian packages) i find in /var/lib/mailman3/:
- ./archives: dirtree without files
- ./cache: (afaict) currently active templates for mailinglist mails (hashed filenames) - i assume that these can safely be ignored and will be restored from the db?
- ./data: empty
With a Postfic MTA situation, that would have had some files. So you don't use Postfix.
- ./lists: empty directories named after each list (i think these are used by the MTA to determine whether it should hand over a mail to the mm3-ltmp)
True, at least according to Exim MTA.
- ./locks: plenty of lock-files, most of them rather stale (as in: 3 years old)
So MM3 on that host hasn't been running or?
- ./messages: a couple of old messages (i think all of them have been
held for approval)
- ./queue: dirtree without files
- ./templates: more templates for the existing mailinglists, though they don't seem to be used (are these the fallbacks when I remove a template via the webinterface?)
- ./web/static/*: seem to be copied over from various Debian packages (dependencies of mm3), with minor differences in icons and jquery (I assume these files get copied over when the mm3 instance is created, and do not get updated when the corresponding Debian packages get updated)
- ./web/static/CACHE - can these be ignored?
- ./web/fulltext_index: are these files regenerated when running "update_index"?
Yes, the files can be regenerated.
so i think the only stuff that needs to get recreated from mailman's var is the ./lists directory. is this correct?
For your MTA to know that your lists exist.
So out here we focus so much on the following as the Bible for installing and running MM3: https://docs.mailman3.org/en/latest/install/virtualenv.html
-- Best regards, Odhiambo WASHINGTON, Nairobi,KE +254 7 3200 0004/+254 7 2274 3223 In an Internet failure case, the #1 suspect is a constant: DNS. "Oh, the cruft.", egrep -v '^$|^.*#' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :-) [How to ask smart questions: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html]