Hi all,
Is the documentation correct that ARC should be as simple to configure in mailman 3 as to add the private DKIM key and restarting mailman? (https://mailman.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/mailman/handlers/docs/arc_sign....)
I've tried that without finding any effect in my so far limited tests. I have not found anything in logs although I might have missed looking in one. Are there any known limitations?
I have previously a working DKIM signature on outgoing mail as well as correctly set up SPF in DNS and SPF-checking on received mail. The verification on incoming mail adds a few headers but I do not think that that should be an issue, neither would the DKIM signing change anything should mailman add new headers.
I now run Mailman 3.2.3 (La Villa Strangiato) on Python 3.7.4.
Cheers // David