18 May
18 May
3:21 a.m.
I want "Mass subscribe" and "Mass removal" as their own buttons, since I use them so much. I modified nav_list.html. See below. While the new buttons go to the correct page, the buttons don't get highlighted. I believe ootstrap navbar should be assigning "nav-link.active" class to the button that is clicked. But it doesn't. All the other buttons below work correctly. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks. - Mark
<li role="tab" class="nav-item"><a href="/mailman3/lists/mark.lists1.psfc.mit.edu/templates" class="nav-link ">Templates</a></li>
<li role="tab" class="nav-item"><a href="/mailman3/lists/mark.lists1.psfc.mit.edu/mass_subscribe/" class="nav-link ">Mass subscribe</a></li>
<li role="tab" class="nav-item"><a href="/mailman3/lists/mark.lists1.psfc.mit.edu/mass_removal/" class="nav-link ">Mass removal</a></li>
<li role="tab" class="nav-item"><a href="/mailman3/lists/mark.lists1.psfc.mit.edu/header-matches/" class="nav-link ">Header filters</a></li>
<li role="tab" class="nav-item"><a href="/mailman3/lists/mark.lists1.psfc.mit.edu/delete" class=" nav-link">Delete</a></li>