Thanks! Opened two new issues on Hyperkitty.
This another problem in Mailman core styles - I hope to see it soon. As right now comparing to Mailman2 I have extra movements that needs to be done to achieve same outcome.
Thank you and all the best! Sten
On 09/01/2018 05:08, Abhilash Raj wrote:
On Thu, Jan 4, 2018, at 3:00 AM, Sten Aus wrote:
Also, I would like to change archive (hyperkitty) default sort order (for Name), because I think it is weird where I cannot see lists I am participating in (even if I am logged in) in "most popular" view. Can it be achived somehow?
And I think it's weird too that I see all lists in archive view (even if they are private) even when I am not subscribed to them. Only thing keeping me away from that list is that I cannot see archives and error message is displayed.
Although I cannot imagine how many of list users log in to mailman panel and then try to access archives, mostly it is done by accessing direct link. But I don't need to display all archives (almost 3000) lists to every logged in user, if they are member of only one or two. I am not 100% sure about it, but I don't think it can be configured right now. You can open an issue in Gitlab1, I think it would be something useful to have.
On 04/01/2018 11:47, Sten Aus wrote:
I haven't found out where I could choose or edit default list values (when creating new list).
For example I would like that all new lists would be with *private archive* (and change this when it is needed). This is great that I can choose not to advertise list in Index (which I can choose from list creation interface) but I would like to choose other options too. Right now only solution is to create list and then choose Archiving and then select "private archives".
Another thing is that I would like to choose default subscription policy to "Moderate".
If anyone has encountered this problem, let me know! Default settings are termed as "styles" in Mailman Core, and these can be used to create a default configuration for a list. However, these aren't easily configurable right now. There are few default styles that do exist today (annoucement, for example), but I am not sure if they are exposed in the UI.
We had one of our GSoC student work on this and there is a merge request pending somewhere that improves the "Styles" in Mailman Core. However, it isn't a part of Core yet.