I will be using apache, so I'm interested in your results.
A couple of things, although "won't work" isn't a good base for diagnosis: You might tell us specifically what works, and what doesn't...
You're using an Alias for /static. One common problem is mixing Alias with ReWrite, so if you're using both, you could get confused. Although not strictly necessary, I find it less confusing to use ReWrite for everything.
I think your ProxyPass and Alias conflict. Try: Alias /static /opt/mailman/web/static ProxyPassMatch ^/static/ ! ProxyPass / http:// before ProxyPassReverse / before
The "ProxyPassMatch !" will prevent the ProxyPass from taking /static (the ! means "not") Note that order matters.
Other considerations:
ProxyPassReverse only rewrites URLs in Location, Content-Location and URI headers, so anything containing URLs won't be adjusted. You may need to look at mod_proxy_html. (But this won't fix external access the REST interface, which embeds URLs in JSON...)
If your site is public, I strongly recommend using TLS (SSL). If you also use TLS on between the main webserver and the backend, see also SSLProxy* directives.
Good luck.
On 28-Jun-17 05:28, Alexander Klotz wrote:
Hi Abhilash,
thanks for the info regarding the docker, we could fix this issue now.
As for the webserver, we use apache instead of nginx - our current configuration looks like this and won't work - how should we change it?
Alias /static /opt/mailman/web/static ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse /
Thanks again, Alex