Abhilash Raj wrote:
On Wed, Dec 19, 2018, at 8:18 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
I have Mailman3 installed on CentOS 7 using maxking's docker image. I believe
On 12/19/18 7:03 AM, brian(a)emwd.com wrote: the installation went fine and running "curl" produces the correct output. I also will be using exim and nginx with this installation. ...
location / { include uwsgi_params; uwsgi_pass; Change this to use port 8080 instead of 8000. 8000 is for HTTP protocol and 8080 is for uwsgi protocol.
See the docs1.
Thanks Abhilash. It is working now. FYI, I made the change directly in the nginx.conf file. I got rid of trying to use the conf.d/sitename.conf file.
I now move on to getting exim to work. If I need help, I will start a separate thread.