Guillermo Hernandez (Oldno7) via Mailman-users writes:
well, my background of developing from the eighties of the last century, when 1k (no mistake here) meaned a difference.
Oh, I remember those days well! It's just that I've worked on Mailman since about 2005 so have got in the habit of thinking in "server-size" units about mail. I can still be shocked, though ... when I was following DMARC develpment I was told that when Yahoo!'s contact lists were stolen, the spammers were hitting their MTAs with 1 million "recommendation from an acquaintance" spams per *minute*! I'm glad I don't have their problems! (But think about this too: it was painful, but apparently it didn't take them down! Breathtaking scale.)
I'm not making fun of you,
Never thought that.
Of course. Just being very careful, because sometimes I'm not as polite as I think I am.
Being that list private and non publicily available, I suspect that one subscriber address book has been hijacked, and I can expect some crap from a forged subscriber address. But that is another story...
Well, we still have emergency moderation of whole lists, so if necessary to protect your subscribers you can use that big hammer. Hope you don't have to, of course.