This seems to be a very basic question and/or issue, but I could not find a reliable for it:
Assume a list member with the email address like (just as an example) joe.student@university.edu<mailto:joe.student@university.edu> sends an email to a list, Mailman gets the email, processes it and would try to send that email to all members with a sender field as: 'joe.student@university.edu<mailto:joe.student@university.edu>'. plus listname@listserver.TLD<mailto:listname@listserver.TLD>
AWS allows verified email addresses to send an email from an EC2 to internet, so the listname@listserver.TLD<mailto:listname@listserver.TLD> is OK, because listserver.TLD is already verified, BUT Joe's email is not and cannot be, because there are thousands of list users and they can change daily.
The result is that Mailman's try to send the email would fail with the following error message:
Message rejected: Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region US-EAST-1: joe.student@university.edu<mailto:joe.student@university.edu> I changed the list property and made it an anonymous one, and it started sending the emails to the whole list members, but only with listname@listserver.TLD<mailto:listname@listserver.TLD> as the sender. So the list recipients cannot know the initiator of the discussion.
I found some solution:
- Asking the members to add their email to the signature
- manipulating the from field and add the name of the sender as a comment, not that easy, needs some Python code
- manipulating the from files and replacing the @ with something else, not that easy, needs some Python code
- . . .
More important: None of these would allow a simple click on the reply bottom to send the email to the original sender.
I am thinking of running mailman on-premise and use our email relay, which we have full control on. But really, there is no elegant solution for this? I already opened a ticket with AWS support and they just insisted on their policy of verification.
Best regards Mohsen Masoudfar Lead System Analyst, IT Operation American Association for the Advancement of Science 1200 New York Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20005 202-326-7087