Am 24.01.2023 um 01:26 schrieb Mark Sapiro:
On 1/23/23 14:00, Johannes Rohr wrote:
Am 23.01.23 um 21:08 schrieb Mark Sapiro:
HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS['default']['PATH'] = '/opt/mailman/mm/var/fulltext_index'
Thanks! Indeed. Including this line helps. It makes the error go away. So I guess the instructions should be amended.
After that, for some reason, I have to re-index all lists, because initially, empty results were returned for any query, only after re-indexing to I get results.
Did you adjust the path to point to your existing fulltext_index?
yes, I did.
If not and if you had, I don't thing you would have needed to reindex. That's precisely, why I was surprised.
The question is what changed so that the relative "fulltext_index" no longer pointed to where the actual directory was.
I don't think that anything had changed, I just don't think I never checked whether the fulltext search actually works and so I spotted this error rather late in the game.