Lars Schimmer writes:
Hm, it completely ignores the standard way for Debian: apt-get install mailman3-full also exim4 as standard mailer. And apache2.
Right. The idea is that Debian is a *component* of *Brian's* system, not that Brian is installing a Debian system. One problem is that a lot of people like to run Debian Stable, which lags our releases by many months, sometimes a couple of years. A lot of people run a Debian Stable system plus a couple of mission-critical apps from source or from upstream repositories.
We'd be happy to promote your "standard Debian" installation documentation as we will Brian's. :-)
One thing about Brian's, though: as he says, he's going to use it himself, and will be keeping it updated because it's part of his business. It will take a pretty dedicated soul to keep up with him.
It's not necessary to "keep up" to be very helpful to our users, of course. But I think Brian's document is likely to be the "gold standard" for a while. I understand why Abhilash wants it in the official docs. :-)