Finally succeed to reinstall with a very precious help !!!
/etc/mailman3 folder was removed before the mailman3 package was supressed, apt noticed it and he believed that it was a modification of the configuration of mailman that was wanted, so each time the debian mailman3 package was reinstalled, he did not put the conf in /etc/mailman3, which caused the package installation to crash, and therefore the app install on ynh
Le 03/04/2022 à 12:53, Odhiambo Washington a écrit :
On Sun, Apr 3, 2022 at 12:06 PM Yvan ♞<elemac@free.fr> wrote:
Hello every body I have progress to try to reinstall mailman3 on yunohost server but I still have an error, if somebody can help me as I don't understand the log https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ugijepuyuv Sincerely. Yvan
Hi Yvan,
As previously advised by Mark Sapiro, you are better off taking to the YunoHost support people for help. They will most likely help you with the failing dependencies issue.
But I also wonder - why don't you follow the virtualenv method to install?