Mark Sapiro a écrit le 15/06/2020 à 20:21 :
On 6/15/20 9:43 AM, Gilles Filippini wrote:
I'm seeing the above error in mailman-core logs each time an email is processed. Is there something I missed in the configuration? I'm using dockerized mailman 0.3 from maxking.
I'm guessing you have one message in var/archives/hyperkitty/spool/ that is causing this issue. The message itself will probably have invalid utf-8 encodings in a message part declared as charset=utf-8.
Every time a new message is archived, HyperKitty reprocesses this message and hits the error again.
You can examine the message with
bin/mailman qfile
. It is a Python pickle of a message object.
There are 4 emails stored into this folder. 3 of them are spam, and the last one is a legitimate email. This is annoying that such emails could accumulate and stay into var/archives/hyperkitty/spool/ forever, causing more and more hyperkitty errors.
Any idea how to make their processing more error proof?