I am testing mailman3 on Fedora Linux (32 and Rawhide). I installed it from the distribution's repositories and I am following the documentation at https://docs.mailman3.org/
I have created a mailing list on my instance but for I am unable to add members to it. Please, consider the following session:
COMMAND: sudo -u mailman mailman3 lists
OUTPUT: 1 matching mailing lists found: list@example.com
COMMAND: sudo -u mailman mailman3 members --add members.txt list@example.com
OUTPUT: usage: mailman members [OPTIONS] LISTSPEC Try 'mailman members -h' for help.
Error: Invalid value for '--add' / '-a': Could not open file: members.txt: Permission denied
When I try to use '-' instead of passing a file, I find no intuitive way to exit the standard input. What kind of permission is mailman expecting on the input file? I have tried changing ownership to the mailman user -- same output still. How does one use standard input to add members conclusively?
Much regards Onyeibo