Hello list, using mailman3 as of current gitlab master with db-backend postgresql 14.5, I get the following error whenever a message is handed over to hyperkitty for archiving:
Oct 19 11:43:00 2022 (2164807) HyperKitty failure on https://listserv.foo.bar/archives/api/mailman/archive: {"error": "'Thread' instance needs to have a primary key value before this relationship can be used."} (400) Oct 19 11:43:00 2022 (2164807) Could not archive the message with id <kcEE.5Fsdt1DFSK2fk5foEoTfkw.gCYcK5/j2AE@root> Oct 19 11:43:00 2022 (2164807) archiving failed, re-queuing (mailing-list test-list.foo.bar, message <kcEE.5Fsdt1DFSK2fk5foEoTfkw.gCYcK5/j2AE@root>) Oct 19 11:43:00 2022 (2164807) Exception in the HyperKitty archiver: {"error": "'Thread' instance needs to have a primary key value before this relationship can be used."} Oct 19 11:43:00 2022 (2164807) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/mailman/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mailman_hyperkitty/__init__.py", line 158, in _archive_message url = self._send_message(mlist, msg) File "/opt/mailman/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mailman_hyperkitty/__init__.py", line 228, in _send_message raise ValueError(result.text) ValueError: {"error": "'Thread' instance needs to have a primary key value before this relationship can be used."}
I already re-created the db, but this doesn't solve the issue. Sounds like db-definitions for model "Thread" are incomplete, but I can't identify the underlying db-objects.
Thanks for any input, Armin.
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