Am Sat, 15 Sep 2018 09:31:53 -0700 schrieb Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net>:
On 09/15/2018 07:15 AM, Johannes Winter wrote:
we've migrated a list from another domain and would like to keep the archives. Hyperkitty doesn't recognize the emails in the mbox archive during import due to the other domain name.
I don't understand the problem. I just ran a test where I imported a mbox containing 3 messages which were not even list posts and in which I had changed all the domain names to 'example.com'. I.e., in the mbox I imported, the headers containing domain names looked like
From root@example.com Sun Aug 26 09:12:06 2018 Return-Path: <root@example.com> Delivered-To: root@example.com Received: by example.com (Postfix, from userid 0) From: Anacron <root@example.com> To: root@example.com Message-Id: <20180826161158.F154D34010C@example.com> X-msapiro-MailScanner-From: root@example.com
and the 3 messages were all added to the archive.
Why do you think the domain name is an issue? Perhaps the issue is there is already one or more messages in the archive and the messages you are importing are older. If you don't specify --since to hyperkitty_import it won't import messages older than the newest message in the existing archive.
Thanks a lot for your excellent and fast support! That was the problem. Maybe it would be wise to include that into the help of the hyperkitty_import command?
Although this command successfully imported 3/4 of the huge (1.7GB) mbox, it stumbled upon an error after some minutes: https://gitlab.com/mailman/hyperkitty/issues/200
-- Johannes Winter
matrix: @yova:matrix.allmende.io