Hi, we are writing from the NGO Engineering Without Borders - Spain. After having migrated from mailman2 to mailman3 in a server with Debian 11, our domains are like these: https://listas.isf.es/mailman3/ https://listas.andalucia.isf.es/mailman3/ https://listas.aragon.isf.es/mailman3/ ... I have set FILTER_VHOST = True and restarted postorius (systemctl restart mailman3-web), but when we enter in every URL, we see all the lists. Any hint to search?
Thanks a lot in advance!
P.S: apart from this conversation, I suggest to include in documentation related to migrations the fact that is important to have 'charset': 'utf8mb4' if MariaDB/MySQL is used, in order not to get migration errors doubt to encodings. We had 75 GB of mbox messages and some of them have had trouble doubt to not setting it before.