Last night I got everything installed and, I think, working. Unfortunately, I forgot to write down the name and password of the superuser I created. I know what I put in as password, but I cant' remamber the name of the superuser.
I know I could just create another superuser with "mailmanweb createsuperuser" but I was wondering if there was a "mailmanweb" command for *listing* superusers.
If not, I'll just make another superuser...
I have the "example.com" error in the login screen. The instructions state that this is a problem with making SITE_ID=1. Okay, but I don't know what to change it to. I tried SITE_ID=2 on a lark and everything broke, and the instruction say not to do SITE_ID=0. Apparently it has to be an integer (I also tried putting in site name and got that error). So... where do I change it?