On Tue, 7 Sep 2021, Abhilash Raj wrote:
I am pleased to announce that Mailman Core 3.3.5b1 is now out. It is a pre-release for 3.3.5, which is slated to come out in 3 weeks from now.
Thanks for this.
I am planning for a 2 week beta period, after which I'll release the first RC and then stable a week after. Right now I am not planning to release a second beta version, but if there are several changes in Core in the next week or so, then I might.
This release includes a lot of bug fixes and some new features.
Does Mailman release stable versions with only software defects fixed and no new features?
Are features frozen at this time for 3.3.5?
If so, I'd be interested in helping test.
A full list of changes in this version can be found here[1].
The heading "Bugs" has always bugged me because I star reading it as an list of outstandign bugs. . I believe that "Bug fixes" or "Software defects corrected" would be better heading.
This release received a lot of contributions from community, which I am really happy about! I'd like to thank everyone who made this release possible!
Thanks for your announcement and to everyone moving this forward.