Just to let everyone know.
[Cc'd to Mailman 3 Users, but please direct followups to the Mailman Developers list only!]
GSoC "who we are" page is here: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/organizations/4903353420611584/
Ideas page is here: https://wiki.list.org/DEV/Google%20Summer%20of%20Code%202021
Student applications open on March 30, and continue until April 13 18:00 UTC.
Comments, ideas, etc welcome on Mailman Developers (preferred) or directly to me or Abhilash. Please do NOT edit the ideas page on the wiki without discussing with me, Abhilash, or Mark, as Google has strict rules about what ideas are relevant to their program. If you have been active in GSoC and do understand the rules, the discussion will be "pro forma", but at least we do want to know what we might be asked about as potential mentors.
We can add more mentors, definitely, you're welcome. If you can reliably spend about 5 hours per week on it for the summer, we'll sign you up as a regular mentor. If you'd like to interact regularly with students, but can't promise 5 hours a week, we can negotiate a semi-formal status (but you won't get the privileges of a full mentor, like the T-shirt). Otherwise, we'll try to keep discussions on the list, everybody welcome.
Regards, Steve