I'm trying to understand the Mailman user model, and I'm confused about the respective roles of tables 'auth_user' and 'user'.
Both have an 'id' column referred to as 'user_id' when used as a foreign key. But there seems to be no relation at all between them as they use different ids for the same user.
Our mailman server was migrated from mailman2 to mailman3 about 1.5 year ago, and there is an inconsistency I'd like to fix: 2 of our users have a registered Mailman account with their respective email addresses in table 'auth_user', but these very same addresses in the 'address' table are linked to another old admin account in the 'user' table.
Then if add one of these addresses as a domain owner, it it the old admin address which is selected instead. How could I fix that?
Thanks in advance,