Eggert Ehmke via Mailman-users writes:
I hope this is readable. I just copĂed the content of some files into the pastebin, don't know if it is possible to post tar.gz there. https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/mmRJJwKDc3/
Thanks! Any lack of readability is due to the upstream config languages. :-)
The uwsgi-proxy stuff is interesting, I didn't know it existed.
Mark has filled in all the missing detail I need downthread, but for future reference, we're more interested in which modules are loaded than in what you've installed. That would either be in the main apache.conf (in some distros called "httpd.conf"), or in a /etc/apache2/mods-enabled directory full of files named mod_x.load and occasionally mod_x.conf. (I mention this because you wrote "not sure this is needed".)