-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- From: Abhilash Raj [mailto:maxking@asynchronous.in] Sendt: 19. august 2017 21:32
But deleting a mail domain that have lists associated to it
- does not issue a warning other than "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this domain?" which is not different from deleting mail domains without lists associated to it.
OK, we can have a list of mailing lists that are associated with the domain in the confirmation screen and customize it say
"There are mailing lists associated with this mail domain, are you sure you want to delete this?
Note: Deleting the mail domain will also delete the mailing lists associated with it"
What do you think?
That would be neat, if any list are associated. Otherwise the current warning is fine. That said, a warning could get very long if the domain has a lot of lists associated.
- The files in /opt/mailman/core/var/data/ should be updated according to the deleted lists / domains.
- Actually I think it should be impossible to accidentally delete a mail domain with lists associated to it.
Ok, what do you mean by "accidentally deleted" here? There is already a confirmation step when deleting a domain or list, what else do you suggest should be there?
You're right. What I meant was that the admin should be required to delete associated lists in order to be able to delete the domain, to avoid accidently deleting the domain.
-- Henrik Rasmussen <her@adm.ku.dk> København, Danmark