- ieso@johnwillson.com (ieso@johnwillson.com) [210101 02:15]:
I started trying a non-docker installation on Ubuntu 18.04 (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xIcSsoNFp2nHi7r4eQys00s9a0k2sHhu1V5Plant...) , which got me the closest. Except I had a problem with inbound email only being triggered when it came from certain accounts. But that clearly wasn't good enough for production, so after many attempts to figure out where it was failing, I decided to turn to docker as a solution that should be cleaner.
For me, the default Debian installation worked fine.
However, as I wanted to be nearer to the git version (or especially: as I wanted to be able to modify code) I cloned all the git repros on a different VM, copied the configuration files to the new machine, and made sure it works. And so it did. (Yes, classical VM, no docker or so)
Regards, Andi