Dec. 20, 2019
3:26 p.m.
I am in the process to migrate an old 2.1 installation to 3.2.1 (Debian 10.1) Following the 2.1 to 3 docs:
- Create a new list
- Use the import21 command The command runs successfully (at least no errors in stdout). There is a problem when sending an email to the newly imported list, the message never get send to the members. I do get moderation emails, and if i do a mass subscribe, the welcome email is received by the new members.
In a fresh 3 new list (not imported from 2.1) this does not happen.
I already tried looking for clues in the logs
[logging.smtp] path: debug.log level: debug
[logging.smtp-failure] path: debug.log level: debug
[logging.error] path: debug.log level: debug
But i haven't seen anything useful yet. Any hints on this?