Den tor. 20. sep. 2018 kl. 11:13 skrev Stephen J. Turnbull < turnbull.stephen.fw@u.tsukuba.ac.jp>:
Thor Atle Rustad writes:
Mailman 3.2. I send a message to the list with some national characters (æøå ÆØÅ), and everything shows up fine. Then I send the same message using pseudo-header approved: with the list password. This messes up the character encoding, so that instead I get (=C3=A6=C3=B8=C3=A5 =C3= =86=C3=98=C3=85)
Does the list password contain non-ASCII characters (non-ASCII for this purpose includes most control characters as well as "Unicode" or "national" characters)? Does it contain punctuation characters?
I experience the problem when I send or receive with Gmail web client,
Ugh, Gmail. Makes debugging this kind of thing annoying. Does the copy in the Gmail Sent folder show up with the problem?
No, it looks ok in the Google Sent folder.
however, when using the Claws-mail (an ordinary mail client) to pick up from my gmail account, the contents is shown correctly.
Any suggestions?
Post copies of a test mail that shows the problem, one from the sent folder (ie, before Mailman processing) and one from a recipient (after Mailman processing). This needs to be the raw mail, not something copied from the screen (most MUAs have a "view source" or "view original" function).
I have uploaded the files here: https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/issues/518 as posting them here would, well, make a LONG post.
It sounds like you don't have moderation enabled, so you can probably use a random password instead of the real one. Just make sure it has the same effect. If you need to use the real password, get back to us and we'll see what we can figure out (unless you're willing to temporarily change the password for this purpose).