"Mark" == Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> writes:
Mark> On 11/3/22 04:55, c.buhtz@posteo.jp wrote:
What I want is that I would like to moderate the messages of new subscribed members until I set them to auto-accept all messages. I want to see what a new member is posting before it is send/accepted to the list.
Mark> Set "Default action to take when a member posts to the list" to Mark> "Hold for moderation" Then, in the held messages view, click the Mark> subject and in the resultant dialog, select "Default processing" Mark> from the "set member moderation" dropdown and Accept the Mark> message.
If you've set the default processing to 'hold for moderation' won't this just continue to moderate the member? Ive been selecting 'Accept immediately' in the dialog.
Peter C