I have a test Mailman 3 environment. We are using docker, and we are running the database outside of docker in mysql. I need to perform a DR recovery test.
I shut down Mailman in docker (mailman-core & mailman-web, the only docker images I have running for Mailman). While Mailman was stopped, I had our database team take a backup dump of the database. I then restarted Mailman in docker. I threw some more messages at a test list. I validated that the new messages were delivered, and showed up in the archive. I shut down Mailman again. I had the database team restore the Mailman database from the backup. I started Mailman I logged into Mailman I was expecting to see the messages in the archive prior to the backup and all the messages after the backup would be gone. When went into the list archive, I get a spinning icon and no messages showed up. I quit, restarted my browser, and logged in again, and the same thing. I then sent a test message to the list and the message was delivered to the list. Then when I went to check the archive, the spinning icon was gone and that test message was there along with all the messages before the backup was taken.
Is this normal? After a restore did the new message cause a refresh of archived messages etc? Is there a way to do this without sending a message to a list after a restoration of the database?
Are there better steps I should take when restoring the database?