I just upgraded to Docker-mailman 0.1.1 and prior to that for some reason I had to somewhat start over, deleting my database. At both on my first and second attempt I wondered what the Django admin password would be.
According to https://github.com/maxking/docker-mailman/ and https://github.com/maxking/docker-mailman/blob/master/web/README.md, setting MAILMAN_ADMIN_USER and MAILMAN_ADMIN_EMAIL in docker-compose.yaml will create a username for the admin user by default, but it doesn't mentioning setting a variable for the password.
Creating a superuser using docker exec -it mailman-web python manage.py createsuperuser would normally request the password for the user indicated, but user "mailman" has already been registred.
So to get to know the superuser password, I reset it using https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6358030/how-to-reset-django-admin-passwo....
Why don't the installation guide on https://github.com/maxking/docker-mailman/ mention anything about how to set the password in the docker-compose.yaml file?
-- Henrik Rasmussen <her@adm.ku.dk<mailto:her@adm.ku.dk>> Copenhagen, Danmark