Today I sending an e-mail to "mylist-request@domain.tld" with the subject "help" and I received the expected e-mail with the following content;
confirm - Confirm a subscription request. echo - Echo back your arguments. end - Stop processing commands. help - Get help about available email commands. join - Join this mailing list. leave - Leave this mailing list. stop - An alias for 'end'. subscribe - An alias for 'join'. unsubscribe - An alias for 'leave'. No such command: -- No such command: vriendelijke
Only I think my mail signature broke something in Mailman (see the No such command). Because every e-mail with a subject like "help", "stop" or "join", gives a reply with random characters. The Mailman logs doesn't show any error, so I'm not sure what is wrong. Deleting the mailinglist and create a new one won't fix the issue, also restarting Mailman doesn't help.
An example of the random characters: Nzzf&ju[zZ0:v,jzkb^}nJyazZCj}{m5t5Cx<{iysG5o[w}jgn+g[lrwf*mzrLk)rjwliazZZnjyW(fvrh{aXXWj+&j)b b-'jX+zwl&v{rx &~y6.r(fu4:'
Is this a bug in Mailman? Or something in my Mailman config...