Hi Team,
We have restarted the services as well but no change.
We tried manually moving the pck file from pipeline queue to
out queue but the file disappeared from out queue but is not getting delivered.
We moved the pck file from pipeline queue to out queue with the
extension .bak still no use.
Not sure what to try next. Please help.
On Sat, Mar 26, 2022 at 10:55 PM Shashikanth Komandoor < shashikanth.komandoor@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Team,
I am currently running Mailman 3 with version 3.3.1 and
in-built postfix version 2.10.1-6 on RHEL 7.5 with PostgreSQL 11.7 version with default values. I am almost running 2000 lists with 64 GB RAM and 8 Cores on a single VM and on which all the mailman 3 components are running. I have been running this setup in production for the past 2 years and 6 months.
I have been seeing a special scenario suddenly: most of the
mails that are sent to this server are going to the pipeline queue and not getting released from there.
No configuration changes are done and I'm not sure why the
mails are getting stuck there. I have recreated the list but no luck.
Could not identify the root cause. Please help in this regard.
-- Thanks & Regards, Shashi Kanth.K 9052671936
-- Thanks & Regards, Shashi Kanth.K 9052671936