OperationalError: database is locked
Does this suggest I should switch from sqlite to postgres (https://stackoverflow.com/a/26864360)? I'm happy to do that, but how do I migrate the data between the databases (after installing postgres and creating the database)? I've found this doc (http://mailman.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/mailman/docs/database.html#datab...), but I don't think I understand this and I haven't used alembic: these instructions are just for when you modify the model within the same database, right?
sqlite isn't really good with constant load on it.
Assuming your database is not very big, you can just use the dumpdata and loaddata commands of django.
Otherwise you'll either have to do it "manually" using database dumps or programatically by using two databases for django.
All aproaches are mentioned in this stackoverflow question:
When it comes to low level stuff, anything you find for django will work for Hyperkitty.
As for the doc link, this is Mailman core specific and not related to Hyperkitty